Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

May 17 2024

25 years of Furry Friends

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Hard to live without our furry friends. Its been over 20 years since Pucky and Roscoe , left, with beautiful portrait by their late mother a d my sister, Joan , taken here i’nthe large bathroom of my Laf home where we had four great years together I’ll never forget. Numerous cats since then since […]

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Apr 06 2021

April 7, 2021 – Staring into the Abyss

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Maybe a A little extreme but let this be a wake up call to live each day to the fullest while we have our health.. Talk show host Mike Gallagher’s burtday is also April 7, on which he reads an email from a listener -be patient until halfway thru this 5 minute monologue- who insists […]

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Apr 06 2021

Gone: American Icons Baseball, Coke – Next it will be Apple pie.

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  “America will never be destroyed from the outside,” said Abraham Lincoln.  “If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”  Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev said the same thing in 1961.  “We do not have to destroy America with missiles,” he said.  “America will destroy itself from within.”  Were they correct? Waving Goodbye to the America […]

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May 15 2020

JOAN-JIM Tribute (Memorial) Plaque at San Jose Congregation

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Jan 12 2020

Shock of Sudden Reality Setting In – That I Don’t Belong in Oakland Anymore

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April 5 60 YEAR (Political) REALITY CHECK Sudden Reality Setting In – That I Don’t Belong There.I was given tickets to the Oakland Speakers series to see author Michael Lewis of Money Ball and The Big Short fame.  I always wondered about Lewis, not being   a big fan of Money Ball  and always wondered how […]

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Apr 27 2017

Time of Reflection

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Letter of Reflection, Thanks on the Holidays Published by admin April 2017 under Outside the Box,Uncategorized For me, Passover / Easter  this year is a time for reflection, to emerge from the ‘chains of bondage’ much like our ancestors did 5000-plus years ago. Time to move outside the box and DO and ACCOMPLISH as we SAVOR and ENJOY each […]

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