May 17 2024

25 years of Furry Friends

Published by at 4:43 pm under Uncategorized

Hard to live without our furry friends. Its been over 20 years since Pucky and Roscoe , left, with beautiful portrait by their late mother a d my sister, Joan , taken here i’nthe large bathroom of my Laf home where we had four great years together I’ll never forget. Numerous cats since then since i don’t have a good yard for dogs. New additions Oreo, 1, and best buddy Archie, 13, now enjoy where Zack and Orange julius and Zippy lived and loved in the past 2 years. Plus 16 year ild Pinky curreently enjoys her quiet life watching the birds in the back bedroom cat TV with me . A good , happy, fortunate life it is. Hope same for you out there whomight be reading this.

got my first furry friend, Juicy, a cat I found I bsckroads, obviously left by his people along with mattress , etc. He was a great orange cat but a handful at times with a wild atrwk from having. Ee left out in the wilds see pic below with other past family

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